
Chakra: Third Eye and Throat.

Color: Turquoise, green or blue.

Crystal System: Triclinic

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces.

Planet: Jupiter, Neptune, Venus.

Rarity: Easily obtained.

Appearance: Opaque, often veined, all sizes are often polished.

Rarity: Common

Source: USA, Egypt, Mexico, China, Iran, Peru, Poland, Russia, France, Tibet, Afghanistan, Arabia.

Attributes: Turquoise is the most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being of the body. It is a protective stone and has been used for amulets since time immemorial. It is believed to change color to warn of the danger of infidelity. Turquoise promotes spiritual attainment and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual worlds. Placed on the third eye, it enhances intuition and meditation. On the throat chakra, it reals old vows, inhibitions, and prohibitions, and allows the soul to express itself once more. It explores past lives and shows how the creation of your fate is ongoing and depends on what you do at each moment.

Psychologically: Turquoise is a strengthening stone. It dissolves a martyred attitude or self-sabotage. Mentally. Turquoise instills inner calm while remaining alert, and aids creative expression. Emotionally, Turquoise stabilizes mood swings and brings inner calm. It stimulates romantic love.

Physically: Turquoise is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression, or panic attacks. One of its protective functions is against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.

Healing: Turquoise strengthens the meridians of the body and the subtle energy fields. It enhances the physical and psychic immune system and generates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients, alleviates pollution and viral infections, and heals the whole body, especially the eyes, including cataracts. It reduces excess acidity and benefits gout, rheumatism, and the stomach. This stone is anti-inflammatory and detoxifying and alleviates cramps and pain.

Position: Anywhere but especially on the throat, third eye, and solar plexus. It makes an excellent elixir.